
How Becoming A Plumber Can Be A Great Idea For You

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The Australian plumbing industry is one of the most successful industries in the country. After successfully completing your plumbing apprenticeship, you will be well-positioned to attain a full license as a qualified Australian plumber.

Plumbers are projected to see an increased demand in the coming years. This especially applies to states like Victoria and New South Wales. It also doesn’t matter what your age is, if you want to be a plumber. Whether you’ve just come of age, or whether you’re over fifty, you can still complete a plumbing apprenticeship.

The typical age range of individuals who pursue a career as a plumber in this nation is 25 to 34. Aside from this, a lot of people between the ages of 35 and 44 also choose to follow plumbing careers. This opportunity remains available for individuals who have always dreamed of becoming a plumber or those who are looking to switch up their current profession.

What Can You Expect From Plumbing?

The trade of plumbing is sometimes linked to the construction industry. Nearly 90% of all plumbers have worked on a construction project at some point in their lives. In addition to this, when people think of plumbing jobs, the first thing that comes to their minds is a picture of a toilet.

Installing and maintaining sewerage systems is indeed a part of what a plumber does. However, it isn’t everything that they do. Plumbing also includes the installation, care, and maintenance of various water and drainage systems. There are other systems that plumbers help with as well.

As a plumber, you could find yourself working on water supply systems, sewerage, as well as drainage systems. You could also find work on gas appliances, ventilation systems, and cooling and heating systems.

Most buildings come with more than one of these systems in place. When you’re called in, you should ensure that all these systems are working properly. You require skill in order to work as a carpenter.

Skills Needed To Be A Plumber

It isn’t just physical strength and endurance that you need, but also the ability to deal with customers. Remember that this is a customer-facing job, where you’ll have to interact with the customers directly. You should be capable of explaining to the customers what is wrong, as well as what you can do to fix the situation.

In case you’re comfortable working with your hands, and you don’t find a customer-facing role, then working as a plumber can be perfect for you. There are various apprenticeships that you can look into, that can help you work as a plumber.

Consider investing in insurance for tradesmen as well. This is because working as a plumber leaves you exposed to certain career risks. A customer, who isn’t happy with your work, might even sue you. When this happens, you could need to face an expensive lawsuit. When you have insurance for tradesmen, you ensure that you’re financially covered against common career risks. For more information about insurance for tradesmen, then, please click here.

How To Enter The Plumbing Trade

It’s not difficult to become a plumber, no matter what your age is. Acquiring the fundamental skills for a trade can be attained in various ways. One of the most manageable strategies to start this career is through completing an apprenticeship program first. These apprenticeships are offered by various trade schools.

As long as you’re over the age of 21, you can get yourself trained to become a plumber, and start working as a plumber. Participating in an apprenticeship program is always a good idea. Through your apprenticeship, you’ll learn various important career skills. You’ll learn how you can install different kinds of water systems. You’ll also be taught how to maintain water as well as gas systems.

You’ll learn about gasfitting, about pipe fitting, as well as how to read blueprints. You’ll be taught how to install plumbing fixtures, such as shower heads as well as sinks. You’ll also be taught how you can install as well as maintain air conditioners.

The Plumbing Industry Is Diverse

If you become a plumber, then you won’t ever have to worry about your career stagnating. You could go on to start your very own plumbing business as well. Plenty of plumbers who are licensed choose to go on to specialize in areas like water, sanitation, and gas care and maintenance. The demand for plumbers is always strong, so whether you work for a plumbing business or run your own plumbing business, you can experience success in this industry.


Becoming a plumber is easier than most people think. You’ll need to get yourself trained and licensed, and can also choose to participate in an apprenticeship. This guide targets on offering guidance on the ways to become a professional plumber in Australia.