
What Are Commercial Lease Disputes? 

Disputes between landlords and tenants are a constant thing in Tennessee. These disputes happen over rent, payments, property maintenance, etc. You should try to resolve the issue by yourself in the beginning, but if it escalates, you should seek legal intervention. A qualified attorney will help you with the entire legal process if you click here

What Is A Commercial Lease? 

Renting real estate is easy. All you have to do is select a particular property, pay for it, and put it on paper. A legally enforceable agreement between a business tenant and a landlord for the renting of commercial real estate is known as a commercial lease. Commercial leases cover the rental of properties meant for business or commercial activity, as opposed to residential leases, which cover the rental of property for residential purposes. You cannot build your house in a commercial property; it is meant for business purposes only. 

What Types Of Disputes Can Arise? 

  • Rent Payment Disputes: 

Rent disputes always arise when the money comes into play. These arise when renters do not pay their rent on time or they argue about the amount owed because of billing errors or maintenance concerns. 

  • Maintenance and Repairs: 

If the renter does not own the house, there are a few things whose maintenance will not be their responsibility. Conflicts can emerge around who is in charge of doing maintenance and repairs on specific parts of the property, such as common areas, HVAC systems, or structural repairs.

  • Improvements and Alterations: 

While the tenants have the right to live in the house, they usually do not have the authority to make significant changes to it. Tenants’ rights to make improvements or alterations to the property, as well as whether they require permission from the landlord or payment in exchange, might give rise to disputes. 

  • Compliance with Regulations: 

If any party disobeys zoning rules or municipal regulations, such as building codes, safety requirements, or environmental regulations, disputes may result. Compliance with all the rules and regulations is critical. 

  • Lease Disputes: 

Tenant-landlord disputes may arise around the conditions of a lease renewal, such as modifications to the terms of the agreement or increases in rent. Failure to give back the deposit 

  • Use of Premises

Tenants may get into arguments if they use the property in a way that is not allowed under the terms of the lease or if landlords attempt to limit their use beyond what was initially agreed upon. Matters like these are sensitive. Make sure to consult an attorney.