
How To Increase Workflow with Automated Inline Pallet Changer Solution

Businesses that ignore workflow automation are missing out on increasing their revenue and customer satisfaction. Automation of the business process is simple, which can help to increase workflow. Process excellence even attracts potential customers and stays ahead of the competition.

If you feel that a lot of manual hours are spent on palletizing products or the repetitive manual handling is causing ergonomic issues leading to workplace injuries or product damages then an automated inline pallet changer solution is the best option. Top Industries offer automatic pallet inverter or load transfer machines intended to push, pull, lift, squeeze, rotate and invert a loaded pallet.

The inline pallet changers are fitted out with a pallet stacker or de-stacker attached to the logistics using chain conveyors or rolls that facilitate automation of the system.

Maximize equipment usage

In a dedicated production cell, every machine is secured to a precise process in the production cycle. There are many load & upload processes. The cycle time between every operation differs. The machine cannot work to its full potential. The worst part is when a single machine in the cycle fails the entire cell collapses.

With an automated inline pallet handling solution, you can maximize machine use. All the processes can be deployed across each machine with negligible intervention from operators. It means output does not a single machine. Even if one fails, 75% of the production workflow is well-maintained as the automated conveyor rail transports the machining parts on other equipment.

Eliminates machine setup

The automated inline pallet changer eliminates machine setup. It is accomplished via decreasing the time used in repetitive steps like machining parts loading & unloading with –

  • Fast part exchanges
  • Enhanced workflow management
  • Streamlining first-part checks
  • Removing material shortage
  • Adjusting part mixes
  • Order quantity management
  • Removing uncertainty & human error

As your business decreases lead time and increases productivity, you can extend operational hours using an unattended machining solution.


Automated single setup processing allows for decreasing labor needs, which were spent on repetitive setups. The product life cycle is unpredictable and depends on market demands of capacities that often fluctuate. If a traditional manufacturing method is used then it can easily lead to under or overutilization of the equipment.

With automated inline pallet changers, you gain single setup processing flexibility. It allows producing agile parts, where you can adjust capacity in increments to handle the demanded market fluctuation.

Businesses are always looking for ways to increase their lead times and reduce cycle time and can invest in automated inline pallet changer systems, due to system flexibility, they can increase response to market demands.


An automated inline pallet exchanger solution can be customized based on your product type, workflow, warehouse space, throughput, outputs, and more. The cost of an automated inline pallet changer system is high but it increases process excellence, maximizes speed & efficiency, and saves on manual labor.

Top Industries is on Twitter, where you can follow them and read tweets from their customers who have experienced increased efficiency in workflow from the automated pallet changer solution!