
How Does SEO Help Laundromats Succeed?

As a laundromat owner or manager, you may have noticed how challenging it can be to think of effective ways to promote your laundry service, especially amid the many competitors in your community. You might have considered going for the more traditional approach, but if you have already done this before, how did it help your laundromat grow? Investing in newspaper ads or handing out flyers may seem effective, but they aren’t as effective compared to search engine optimization (SEO), a digital laundromat marketing strategy.

SEO should be prioritized when it comes to your laundry service marketing, according to experts like Spynr. But why, exactly? Read on to find out.

  1. More Common in Google Search

If you use general and local SEO correctly, you will see how it can significantly help your laundromat website rank even higher in search engine results pages like Google. When your target audience searches for laundromats near them, your website will appear on one of the top positions of search engine results pages, which then gives you more organic traffic that may lead to potential customers and conversions.

Besides Google, you can use SEO marketing on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. You can do this by using keywords, geo-tagging, and posting engaging, relevant content to get a higher audience impact, which will make your business even more visible.

  1. Location-Based SEO

Speaking of geo-tagging, increasing location-based traffic is another excellent SEO method that can greatly benefit your laundromat. You will need local customers to make money, as a local laundromat whose target audience is within the community. You won’t get much help receiving website traffic from all over the country or the world, which is why local SEO strategies will help your site convert better.

How do you do this? For starters, ensure that your business name, address, and phone details are consistent throughout your website, social media platforms, and online business directory listings. If your laundromat is listed on review or delivery apps, make sure your information is also updated there to get more boost in local traffic to your site or social media platform. You will see that your business can receive more customers when you prioritize local SEO.

  1. Be on Google Business Profile

If you haven’t created or set up a Google Business Profile for your laundromat yet, now is the time to do so. Google and other search engines will give businesses with an established Google Business Profile a ton of weight. What’s great is that it’s completely free and easy to set up as well. When setting up or updating your Google Business Profile, ensure that all your laundromat’s information is consistent throughout your site and other platforms. It’s also best to request that customers post their feedback on Google as well.

Wrapping It Up

Now that you know more about the importance of SEO, make sure you start implementing it in your digital marketing strategies today.