
Email Hosting: Why Your Small Business Needs It

Email is easily the most popular form of business communication. Business owners across Australia and the world use it to communicate with customers and staff alike, whether it be through EDMs, meeting reminders, promotions or something completely different.

As a company owner, you have no doubt already chosen your brand’s email address. But is it a generic one, the kind that simply ends in If so, you’re missing out on the awesome branding opportunity that comes with professional email hosting!

This will allow your address to be your name followed by your domain name e.g. (the same goes for other team members).

Let’s take a look at why this is a great option for Aussie companies:

It provides company credibility

High quality business email hosting plays an imperative role in enhancing your brand’s credibility. These addresses are simply ideal for giving your brand that pre-establishing and professional aesthetic. They give your brand a much more professional look than if you had a generic or similar address. This is something new and potential clients, customers and collaborators resonate when they go to communicate with you.

It adds to your brand identity

As a brand owner who has no doubt had a lot to do with the online realm you will know just how important it is to have a comprehensive digital brand. This literally includes everything attached to your online branding and naturally this includes your address. Having a sharp and succinct personal address is perfect for brands looking to make their mark online.

It provides enhanced data security

These services, such as Microsoft 365 business email, provide enhanced data security. These services dedicate their focus to providing data features that free providers like Google cannot. Therefore, you can trust that there will be enhanced security features awaiting your patronage!

It provides enhanced control

One of this service’s ultimate benefits is the control it provides for your brand. With a tailored service, you have complete control over your data, name and accounts. This means you can easily manage user accounts, guarantee business continuity and add extra security features. This is in stark contrast to a third-party provider, who subject companies to a range of terms and conditions.

It allows for better collaboration

These services are replete with collaboration tools that make this essential productivity element simple. These tools include shared contact lists, calendars and enhanced document sharing options. You can also easily coordinate tasks, schedule meetings and share resources, something which all companies should look for in their daily operations.

It provides for easy scalability

Your brand will likely grow out of nowhere. Therefore, you need a solution that will allow you to scale up at a moment’s notice. This is that solution, as it allows you to easily add or remove team accounts as your company expands. What’s more, it provides a cost-efficient option for companies that are looking to scale up in the near-future, making it perfect for enterprises looking to take their game to the next level.

It creates trust amongst customers

New and potential customers much prefer seeing a professional business address than one supplied by a third-party. This is because it shows that you are serious enough about your product or service to take your hosting to the next level and enlist a personalised address. They will prefer receiving EDMs and promotions from your personalised address than if you sent it to them from a third-party address!