
How Tactile Domes Improve Shopping Centers

Enter any shopping center, and you’ll find disability accommodations. Some accommodations include disabled parking, wide isles, and motorized scooters. That said, another accommodation could make a big difference: the tactile dome. When a shopping center has the right tactile warning system, all customers can enter and exit the store safely. Without these systems, visually-impaired shoppers don’t always get the experience they deserve. 

Parking Lot Safety  

A lot of major cities have started using tactile systems. These systems include yellow tiles with raised bumps that feel different from the surrounding sidewalk or street. City planners install these tiles as warning systems. When a person’s foot or cane touches the raised bumps, that person can avoid stepping into oncoming traffic or other dangers. As a result, people get more mobility and peace of mind. 

For shopping centers, these raised tiles can give disabled shoppers more safety as they exit the store, especially as they enter parking lots. Parking lots have a lot of hazards, including cars and shopping carts. For both sighted and visually-impaired people, awareness is crucial. A tactile dome at the edge of a sidewalk can increase awareness and provide better parking lot safety. 

Wheelchairs, Strollers, and Shopping Carts 

Tactile systems aren’t just for feet and canes. They can also provide feedback for anything with wheels. That includes wheelchairs, strollers, and shopping carts. In shopping centers, people use all three of these things. When a wheel rolls over a smooth sidewalk, it feels different from rolling over a bumpy tile. This wheel-based feedback provides yet another safety feature for shopping center customers. 

Follow the Curve 

Tactile domes have an extra advantage: they follow the contours of ramps and sidewalks. Rectangular tiles provide a key part of tactile warning systems, but they don’t always fit every nook and cranny that they should. That’s where the domes come in. Their curved design fits shopping center sidewalks that don’t always follow a straight line. This way, no matter the shape of the sidewalk, shoppers won’t risk missing a tile as they move. 

Minimal Disruption 

Tactile domes don’t have to disrupt the shopping experience, either. For instance, there’s the tactile system. The makers pre-score these tiles, so they usually don’t require cutting. And while any wet concrete will need time to cure, these tiles can still handle foot traffic within four hours. 

Questions About Tactile Systems? 

Do you have questions about tactile systems, domes, and shopping centers? Talking to the detectable warning experts can answer your questions about accommodations, warning systems, and more. 

Everyone deserves a safe shopping experience. The right tactile system can ensure that all your customers enjoy your store safely.