Search Results for: security systems

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Is the Push for Automated Time and Attendance Systems a Violation of Employee Privacy?

The idea of automated time and attendance systems is straightforward: clocking in and out is handled with just a swipe or scan, helping businesses streamline attendance tracking, payroll, and productivity analysis. But as convenient as this technology is, it’s not...


Your Risk for Cybersecurity

Cyberattacks have the ability to seriously interrupt corporate operations and cost money. Any company, no matter how big or small, should respond to threats to its data, networks, and systems by taking appropriate action. You must first be aware of...


What is SOC as a Service?

SOC as a Service, also known as Security Operations Center as a Service, is a kind of information technology service that assists businesses in defending their networks and data from malicious attacks. Managed SOC services provide a wide range of services to...

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