
What Are the Strategic Uses of the MRA Grant for International Market Entry

The Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) grant in Singapore is a valuable resource for businesses in Singapore aiming to expand into international markets. Designed to support companies in their efforts to globalise, the MRA grant provides financial assistance for various activities that can ease the complexities of international market entry.

Here’s how you can strategically use the MRA grant to make your international expansion successful.

Conducting Market Research and Analysis

Understanding the target market is crucial before entering a new region. The MRA Grant can be used to fund comprehensive market research and analysis, which helps you make informed decisions about where and how to enter new markets.

  • Market Feasibility Studies: Use the grant to conduct studies that evaluate the demand for your products or services in the new market, assess competitive dynamics, and identify potential customer segments.
  • Consumer Behaviour Analysis: Gain insights into local consumer preferences, buying habits, and cultural nuances. This information is vital for tailoring your offerings to meet the needs of the target market.
  • Competitive Analysis: Understand the competitive landscape by analysing local competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and market entry strategies. This can help you position your business more effectively.

Developing a Market Entry Strategy

A well-crafted market entry strategy is essential for navigating the complexities of a new market. The MRA grant supports the development of strategies that address the specific challenges and opportunities of international expansion.

  • Market Entry Planning: Fund the development of a detailed market entry plan, including distribution channels, pricing strategies, and promotional tactics tailored to the new market.
  • Localisation Strategies: Adapt your products, services, and marketing materials to fit the cultural and regulatory requirements of the new market. The grant can cover costs associated with localisation efforts.
  • Business Model Adaptation: Adjust your business model to align with local market conditions, including modifications to your sales approach, supply chain logistics, and customer service.

Establishing Local Partnerships and Networks

Building relationships with local partners can significantly enhance your market entry efforts. The MRA grant can help cover expenses related to establishing and nurturing these crucial partnerships.

  • Partner Identification: Use the grant to identify and evaluate potential local partners, such as distributors, agents, or joint venture partners, who can help you navigate the new market.
  • Business Matching: Fund participation in business matching events or trade missions that connect you with local businesses, industry players, and potential customers.
  • Networking Events: Attend local industry events, trade shows, and conferences to build your network and establish your presence in the new market.

Complying with Local Regulations and Standards

Navigating the regulatory environment of a new market can be challenging. The MRA grant supports efforts to ensure compliance with local regulations and industry standards.

  • Regulatory Consultations: Fund consultations with legal and regulatory experts who can guide you through the requirements for product certifications, import/export regulations, and local business practices.
  • Compliance Costs: Cover expenses related to obtaining necessary permits, licenses, and certifications required to operate in the new market.
  • Standards Adaptation: Ensure your products or services meet local standards and regulations by funding any necessary modifications or testing.

Developing and Executing Marketing Campaigns

Effective marketing is key to establishing your brand in a new market. The MRA grant can support the development and execution of marketing campaigns tailored to the local audience.

  • Market-Specific Marketing Materials: Create and translate marketing materials, such as brochures, websites, and advertisements, to resonate with the local audience.
  • Digital Marketing: Invest in digital marketing campaigns, including social media, search engine optimisation (SEO), and online advertising, to build brand awareness and drive engagement in the new market.
  • Promotional Activities: Fund promotional events, product launches, and trade show participation to introduce your brand and offerings to local consumers.

Building Local Infrastructure and Operations

Setting up local operations is essential for a successful market entry. The MRA grant can help cover costs associated with establishing a physical presence and operational infrastructure.

  • Office Setup: Fund the establishment of local offices or retail locations, including leasing, renovations, and outfitting with necessary equipment.
  • Hiring Local Staff: Cover expenses related to hiring and training local employees who can help manage operations and build relationships with customers and partners.
  • Logistics and Distribution: Support the development of logistics and distribution networks to ensure efficient delivery of products to local customers.

Enhancing Product and Service Offerings

To effectively compete in a new market, you may need to modify or enhance your product or service offerings. The MRA grant can assist with these enhancements.

  • Product Adaptation: Use the grant to fund research and development activities that adapt your products to meet local preferences, standards, and requirements.
  • Service Customisation: Modify your service offerings to cater to local needs and expectations, ensuring that your services align with market demands.


The MRA grant provides significant support for businesses looking to enter international markets by covering a wide range of activities essential for successful market entry. From conducting market research and developing entry strategies to establishing local partnerships and complying with regulations, the grant can help mitigate the risks and costs associated with global expansion.

Strategically using the MRA grant, businesses can effectively navigate the complexities of international markets and set themselves up for long-term success.